Here is a classic photo of Rummy in Baghdad back in 1983 from the national security archive.

How important is it to report enemy kills on a regular basis? One reason why the civilian death toll is high but is not reported as being high, is that this has been going on from the beginning. A death can't be both an enemy kill and a civilian casualty, can it?
Secrets secrets secrets. No more oversight and accountability in the name of national security. Follow the presidents lead and answer to no one. The people who? We the ones who pay for all of it.
What the fuck is "decline in labor force participation"? Sounds like a bullshit way of saying that unemployment is down even though the number of people without jobs is up. Sure is cognitive dissonance. Fudge some more numbers! It makes America great.
Does the Bush administration run on the Peter Principle and it's addendums (1 2..5)?
I don't think that the president GWB is as dumb as some give him credit for... Seems more like bad breeding.
Remember when Cheney shot his buddy in the face? He wasn't hunting legally. No harm no foul? I would've had to pay the fine.
I didn't know the UN was into using Legos in ad campaigns.
The FGC promotes connectedness in a disconnected world.... Check out the Wombat.
Politics. The environment. Classic Rove. Karl is yet another man in power who expects others to do something he would never do himself.
Tony Snow with some airtight logic on torture. Read more about it in this piece in Slate.
In the name of god. Apparently god punishes the sports franchises of cities that pass gay rights legislation.
Everything that the internet is about could be destroyed. Read up, educate yourself and spread the info. Verizon (gatekeeper) where I live in NY is already offering fiber-optic service at three different speeds for three different prices.
Baghdad Burning. Must read blog from Iraq... An Iraqi girls view of all this madness. Also look at the diary of Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library Archive.
Being an activist can and often does cause government to fuck with you.
Hear the last gasps of diversity in media ownwership.
Please. Read the facts. Know whats at stake.
How important is it to report enemy kills on a regular basis? One reason why the civilian death toll is high but is not reported as being high, is that this has been going on from the beginning. A death can't be both an enemy kill and a civilian casualty, can it?
Secrets secrets secrets. No more oversight and accountability in the name of national security. Follow the presidents lead and answer to no one. The people who? We the ones who pay for all of it.
What the fuck is "decline in labor force participation"? Sounds like a bullshit way of saying that unemployment is down even though the number of people without jobs is up. Sure is cognitive dissonance. Fudge some more numbers! It makes America great.
Does the Bush administration run on the Peter Principle and it's addendums (1 2..5)?
I don't think that the president GWB is as dumb as some give him credit for... Seems more like bad breeding.
Remember when Cheney shot his buddy in the face? He wasn't hunting legally. No harm no foul? I would've had to pay the fine.
I didn't know the UN was into using Legos in ad campaigns.
The FGC promotes connectedness in a disconnected world.... Check out the Wombat.
Politics. The environment. Classic Rove. Karl is yet another man in power who expects others to do something he would never do himself.
Tony Snow with some airtight logic on torture. Read more about it in this piece in Slate.
In the name of god. Apparently god punishes the sports franchises of cities that pass gay rights legislation.
Everything that the internet is about could be destroyed. Read up, educate yourself and spread the info. Verizon (gatekeeper) where I live in NY is already offering fiber-optic service at three different speeds for three different prices.
Baghdad Burning. Must read blog from Iraq... An Iraqi girls view of all this madness. Also look at the diary of Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library Archive.
Being an activist can and often does cause government to fuck with you.
Hear the last gasps of diversity in media ownwership.
Please. Read the facts. Know whats at stake.
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