I said earlier that we are living in an Orwellian society, (I believe) and one could argue to what degree and nitpick over the details and so forth... But I believe the basic concepts he presented in "1984" are in place already, they just look and smell different. I suppose it's possible to have fun with the situation. Other folks, like NYC's Surveillance Camera Players

try to point out as often as possible that surveillance cameras in public places are a violation of our constitutional right to privacy. Not sure if you get it? Check out this map of the area around Times Square in Manhattan.
Anyway, in the irony of all ironies check out this sign in front of Plaza de George Orwell in Barcelona Spain.
Ahhh, the beauty of streamlined corruption. The Government wants you to know as little as possible about how they spend your money... But, contrarily wants to know anything and everything about what you do with your money. Uncle Sam is not the only one though, so why don't you be a good consumer... Just record everything you buy, and help us help our clients sell you things more effectively.
Remember, Big Brother is watching.
Best Of February 2006 Bonus:
try to point out as often as possible that surveillance cameras in public places are a violation of our constitutional right to privacy. Not sure if you get it? Check out this map of the area around Times Square in Manhattan.
Anyway, in the irony of all ironies check out this sign in front of Plaza de George Orwell in Barcelona Spain.
Ahhh, the beauty of streamlined corruption. The Government wants you to know as little as possible about how they spend your money... But, contrarily wants to know anything and everything about what you do with your money. Uncle Sam is not the only one though, so why don't you be a good consumer... Just record everything you buy, and help us help our clients sell you things more effectively.
Remember, Big Brother is watching.
Best Of February 2006 Bonus:
- On an episode of Dallas SWAT, a SWAT team raided a FEMA housing complex in the middle of the night and found that several displaced Katrina victims had a dime-bag of marijuana. episode description is online.
- Drug Czar John Walters kicked off an initiative in Denver this week which appears to have the goal of having every American tested for drug use. ChoicePoint, an Alpharetta, Georgia-based company that sells information in three markets - insurance, business and government, and marketing, has been buying up drug testing companies. What kind of information you ask?
ChoicePoint sells: "claims history data, motor vehicle records, police records, credit information and modeling services...employment background screenings and drug testing administration services, public record searches, vital record services, credential verification, due diligence information, Uniform Commercial Code searches and filings, DNA identification services, authentication services and people and shareholder locator information searches...print fulfillment, teleservices, database and campaign management services..."
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