Sunday, February 4, 2007

More of Berto's Top Hits

An Attorney General Flashback: Who does Alberto Gonzales believe is dumber, Al Qaeda or the American People?

"For weeks and weeks we've heard about how the NYT story on domestic spying damaged national security, but we've never been told why. Biden just asked Gonzales. Gonzales acknowledged that Al Qaeda was probably already aware that we were trying to conduct surveillance on them, but that as long as it wasn't in the newspapers, sometimes they forget." (jesselee
Seriously, how can any right-thinking human being buy this shit? It is laughable. In a sad sad way. This is what happens when time after time in case after case George W. Bush has filled the positions in his administration with the loyal and the willing, avoiding the best and brightest at all costs. I think as a nice side project I'll assemble a list of all the cronies and the many fiascos associated with them. I accept that cronyism is a part of politics, it always has been, but THIS FUCKING GUY

Flash. Bang. More soon.

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