Saturday, October 18, 2008

Votes, Lies & Videotape

If the right to vote in this country is in any way important to you, watch these videos. Tell everyone you know to watch them. The first two are from a talk Greg Palast and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave last year on Mayday in New York City and run about 10 minutes each. The third one is also produced Palast and provides excellent summary of the current controversies swirling aroung voting and voter fraud in the upcoming presidential election - it is roughly 15 minutes. The last one is a mini-interview Palast did with Sari Gelzer, a reporter from Truthout, in which he covers the ways you can "Steal Back Your Vote" and make sure it gets counted - it's only 5 minutes. Watch them all. Tell your friends.

Part 1- Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

Part 2- Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

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